Who are the alleged victims of Nicholas Sheley? Details explored as See No Evil premieres on ID

Nicholas Sheley is an American spree killer currently serving life in prison for eight murders, of which he was convicted in six committed in Illinois and pleaded guilty in connection with two committed in Missouri. He was given a life sentence for each killing, without the possibility of parole.

According to reports, Sheley committed the murders during a week-long killing spree fueled by rage, drugs, and alcohol. The first victim was 93-year-old Russell Reed, whose body was found inside his car trunk on June 26. Two days later, he murdered another elderly man named Ronald Randall and stole his truck.

See No Evil premieres on ID this Friday, January 27, 2023, with an episode titled The Blood Trail, scheduled to chronicle Sheley's crimes. The episode will air at 7 pm ET. The synopsis states:

"Tom and Jill Estes' bodies are found behind a dumpster in Festus, Mo.; police are baffled until a receipt leads to CCTV footage of a blood-stained suspect; a trail of bodies reveals a killer who must be stopped before he strikes again."

Who were the individuals Nicholas Sheley murdered during his June 2008 killing spree?

The eight alleged victims of spree killer Nicholas Sheley he murdered across two states (Image via Shaw Local News Network)

Nicholas Sheley of Rock Falls, has been arrested several times for offenses ranging from marijuana possession to domestic battery. He allegedly relapsed into his drug and alcohol addiction on June 23, 2008, which led to his killing rampage. He attacked Russell Reed, 93, to rob him of money to buy drugs and alcohol. On June 26, Reed's body was discovered in the trunk of his vehicle.

Sheley then robbed 65-year-old Ronald Randall at a car wash in Galesburg, Illinois, on June 28, before he was named a suspect in Reed's murder. He stole Randall's truck after killing him and hiding the body behind a grocery store. He later drove to Rock Falls, Illinois, that evening in Randall's stolen car, where he bludgeoned Kenneth Ulve, 25, his wife's former lover Brock Branson's roommate.

According to reports, Kenneth's uncle, Rick Ulve, commented on his nephew's murder, saying,

"He was just a nice kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Branson, his girlfriend Kye, and her two-year-old son Dylan, who weren't home at the time Ulve was murdered, were then attacked by Sheley after returning to their apartment. All four victims were murdered with the same hammer on the same day. Their bodies were discovered on June 30.

One day prior to the discovery of the bodies inside the Rock Falls, Illinois, apartment, Nicholas Sheley attacked an Arkansas couple, Jill and Tom Estes, outside a hotel in Festus, Missouri. The couple, both 54, stayed in the hotel while attending a graduation party in the city. Their bodies were found behind a gas station, about a mile and a half from where they were allegedly murdered.

A nation-wide hunt for Sheley began when his forensics found his DNA in all the crime scenes. Furthermore, CCTV footage was used to place him in those particular locations. He was arrested on July 1, at a bar in Granite City after authorities received significant tips, given that his face was plastered across all news and media channels.

Learn more about serial killer Nicholas Sheley's case on ID's See No Evil this Friday, January 27, 2023.

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