What happened to Lara Muscolino?

In August 2016, Lara Muscolino, a Fallston, Maryland, mother-of-three, was fatally shot inside her home by her husband, Ricardo Muscolino. Lara was found in her bed with multiple gunshot wounds. She was rushed to a hospital, where she succumbed to her wounds the next morning.

Immediately after the shooting, which took place before 11:30 pm on August 31, her husband Ricardo surrendered himself to authorities, claiming that he was "involved in the incident." It was alleged that he shot his wife after learning about her extramarital affair.

ID's Fatal Vows previously explored Lara Muscolino's shooting case in a 2017 episode titled Behind Closed Doors. The episode is scheduled to re-air on the channel this Thursday, January 5, 2023, at 7:00 pm ET.

The synopsis reads:

"Nurses Lara Crockett and Ricardo Muscolino meet on the night shift; he sets about creating a rich life for them, and she's happy to go along with it; Ricardo's scheming eventually drives Lara into the arms of another man with explosive results."

This article further delves into the details of the shooting incident that caused Muscolino's untimely death.

Lara Muscolino was fatally shot by her husband over an extramarital affair

Lara Muscolino, a nurse and mother of three young daughters, had been married to Ricardo Muscolino since 1999 and appeared to be living a happy life until August 31, 2016, when authorities were called to the Muscolino family's home on Windswept Court in Fallston, Maryland.

The 48-year-old was found in bed with four gunshot wounds to the upper body by first responders minutes after 11:30 pm and was immediately rushed to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, where she succumbed to her wounds the following morning. Her three daughters were inside the house at the time of the shooting and were found unharmed.

The suspect, Lara's 54-year-old husband Ricardo Muscolino, reportedly turned himself to the Harford County Sheriff's Office Northern Precinct Duty Officer while officers were at the house shortly after the incident, claiming that he was behind the shooting incident that took place at their home.

Authorities found that Ricardo Muscolino first called 911, and soon after, turned himself in to the cops. While authorities tried to piece together the case, it was discovered that Ricardo discovered Lara's affair just hours before the shooting and confronted her about it.

Surveillance video from a "Nest Drop Cam" was used to bring Lara Muscolino's shooter to justice

48-year-old Lara Muscolino was shot by her husband Ricardo while their three minor daughters were present inside the house (Image via Find a Grave)

Nearly a week after the murder, Vivian, the couple's 15-year-old daughter, notified her foster father, Matthew Kreager, about a "Nest Drop Cam" surveillance camera installed in their living room, something the authorities had failed to notice at the time of the investigation. Vivian was able to log into her mother's account and access the surveillance video, which was automatically saved online.

The surveillance video, which was handed over to authorities, showed Ricardo walking up the stairs toward the bedrooms on the night of the shooting. Five gunshots were heard on the video before he returned downstairs and fled the scene. Police also discovered the 9-mm Glock stashed in a laundry basket in the bedroom, along with five casings and additional ammo that had not been used.

Ricardo Muscolino was charged with first-degree murder and the use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence in Lara Muscolino's shooting death. He was convicted of both charges in November 2017 and received 30 years on the murder charge and 20 years on the firearm charge. Both sentences were to be served consecutively.

Tune in to Fatal Vows on ID this Thursday, January 5, to learn more about Lara Muscolino's 2016 shooting case.

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