Star: Everyone knows Miranda Lambert & Taylor Swift cant stand each other

Has Miranda Lambert been secretly beefing with people right and left this whole time? That’s what I’m wondering now. The worst thing that ever could have happened to Miranda’s reputation already happened when Blake Shelton dropped divorce papers on her suddenly and somehow got a quickie divorce, then leaked some rumors about Miranda’s wandering eye. So, Miranda is in need of friends. High-profile allies who can buffer her from the bad gossip. Friends/allies like… Taylor Swift? Even though Swift has pretty much left country music, she’s still a well-respected and well-liked figure in Nashville. So when Taylor’s tour came to North Carolina, Miranda came out on stage with her and they sang one of Miranda’s hits. Classic Swifty, right? Miranda is now part of Swifty’s “squad.” Except not really.

Country fans were ecstatic when Miranda Lambert strutted out on stage during Taylor Swift’s 1989 tour stop in Greensboro, NC on October 21. Their reps deny it, but those close to the superstar singers say that despite their duet, they’re actually embroiled in a long-standing feud!

“The girls were anything but friendly that night,” says a source. “Miranda was miffed that Taylor flubbed several lines of ‘Little Red Wagon’ and also annoyed that Taylor made her wear a 1989 shirt.”

The tension dates back two years, says another insider, when the women got into a screaming match in downtown Nashville: “I think it had something to do with a collaboration that fell through,” explains the source. “Ever since then, they’ve been at odds. Miranda thinks Taylor is fake and tacky, while Taylor says Miranda is a bully and hates how she treats people, including her pal Blake Shelton. Everyone in Nashville knows these two can’t stand each other.”

So why the collaboration? Damage control. “Since Miranda’s divorce, her reputation is in the gutter,” explains the insider. As Star first reported, Miranda cheated on Blake with no less than five different men, some of them married. “The cheating, the lying, the drinking – that’s not what country fans like to see. So her management team begged Taylor for a duet to help boost Miranda’s image.”

But bad girl Miranda just couldn’t swallow her pride and make nice with the biggest pop star in the world. “It irks her that Taylor is still friends with Blake and has been a support system for him since the divorce. The two barely spoke to each other and Miranda left immediately after the song.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Yeah… I know it’s “just Star Magazine,” but I totally believe this. I’m already primed to believe that Taylor Swift is a Mean Girl Wolf in Sparkly Princess Sheep’s clothing. I’m already primed to believe that Miranda is in need of some high-profile damage control too, and that she doesn’t play well with other women. And I laughed at Miranda being “annoyed that Taylor made her wear a 1989 shirt.” Like, I’ll go out on stage with you but you’re going to make me wear the t-shirt? Nah.

Speaking of Miranda having a bad week, many believe that Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani’s sudden confirmation of their coupled-up status was aimed at Miranda. For her part, sources claimed that Miranda was not surprised with the pairing. Now Us Weekly’s sources say Miranda “had her suspicions but didn’t really know it was a real thing until the announcement last night. But she doesn’t care. She’s divorced and he can date who he wants. She got divorced from him so he’s free to date whoever he wants. She’s fine.” Not to be pedantic, but HE divorced HER, not vice versa.


Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet and WENN.
