Natalie Portman: French are judgmental about how you are & how you look


Natalie Portman has been shilling for her feature-length directorial debut, A Tale of Love and Darkness, for months really. But she’s definitely stepped it up in the past few weeks, doing a full promotional tour in New York and giving interviews to anyone who wants to speak to her. The film is pretty small and it’s not going to make much money, but the reviews are okay/mediocre and most people think that Portman should try her hand at directing again. Anyway, Portman chatted with the Guardian last week about how she’s moved back to America after living in Paris, how she’s still a vegan and more. Some highlights:

Moving back to LA after living in Paris: “People in LA are just wild. French people are very judgmental, or in Paris at least, about how you are and how you look. You would never wear workout clothes on the street or sandals or shorts or wild colours. It was fun to get back to where everyone’s just being free.”

Vegan food in Paris: “Actually, Paris has improved a lot for vegans in the past few years. It was a lucky moment to be there as a vegan.”

Whether she reads the reviews: “No. I avoid it. It’s inhibiting to hear bad things about yourself. It makes you afraid, and you can’t be afraid when you work.

Watching herself onscreen: “I usually see a movie once when it comes out at the premiere and then never see it again. Usually I cringe through the premiere and hate everything I do. The less I’m in a movie, the more I like it.”

She enjoyed her sober Oscar campaign for ‘Black Swan’: “Being sober the whole time is a trip! I’ll tell you that. I felt unusual being that way relative to the room.”

[From The Guardian]

“You would never wear workout clothes on the street or sandals or shorts or wild colours.” Isn’t it that way in most major European cities? That they look down on you if you wear flip-flops and jeans or sweatpants? I imagine it’s magnified in Paris, a city known for being stylish and chic. Your yoga pants are gauche! Take your flip-flops back to America, you peasant! Considering I live in sweatpants and flip-flops pretty much year-round, I guess Paris would HATE me.


Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.
