Important Personalities From All Walks Of Life Speak Out On Roe Vs Wade Overturning

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn its previous verdict in the Roe Vs Wade case has been one of the most controversial happenings in the United States this year. The decision essentially gives every state the right to pass its own laws surrounding abortion, contrary to the previous decision which made abortion a constitutional right all across the United States of America. The decision comes as a strong blow to all the women’s rights movements that are in strong opposition to it.

Celebrities, politicians, businessmen, and women; essentially individuals from all walks of life have taken to social media to speak out about this issue and share their thoughts.

The former First Lady, Michelle Obama took to social media to write a lengthy statement on the matter which described how heartbroken she was about the decision but also emphasized that the battle for women’s rights is not over yet and they must keep pushing forward.

“This moment is difficult, but our story does not end here. It may not feel like we are able to do much right now, but we can. And we must,” said Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama’s Tweet was Retweeted by Grammy-award-winning singer Taylor Swift with the caption,  “I’m absolutely terrified that this is where we are – that after so many decades of people fighting for women’s rights to their own bodies, today’s decision has stripped us of that.”

Former Senator, Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to express her thoughts as well saying, “Most Americans believe the decision to have a child is one of the most sacred decisions there is, and that such decisions should remain between patients and their doctors. Today’s Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as a step backward for women’s rights and human rights.”

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian took to her social media to say, “In America, guns have more rights than women.”

Kim’s sisters Kendall and Khloe, actors Penelope Cruz and Rita Moreno were among many many others who shared their thoughts on the matter and were not happy with the current state of things.

