How to get Rock Salt in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom features much for players to do and see. From tackling enemy outposts to laid-back exploration, it is hard for players to get bored. One of the numerous elements in the game that are from the 2017 predecessor, is cooking. Link can combine ingredients gathered from around the open world, and cook them to create various dishes. There are many materials to gather, like apples, meat, mushrooms, and more.

Additionally, there are various condiments to discover and add. One such example is Rock Salt. It can be included in dishes to enhance their effectiveness further. Via this guide, we'll help you locate some Rock Salt in-game.

Here is where to find Rock Salt in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Crack these open to find some Rock Salt in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Rock Salt is a mineral, so players must hunt down ore deposits to obtain it. They are identifiable by their black rocky sheen and can often be seen sparkling. Use weapons like hammers to break them open. If players do not have one, they can be easily crafted in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

The brand-new Fuse ability is handy for this purpose. Players can combine a spear or wooden stick with a rock to create a makeshift hammer. Then it is simply a matter of equipping it and whacking away at the deposits to find Rock Salt plus additional minerals like amber. These ore deposits can be found underground or within caves. The latter are littered all around Hyrule, so this process should not be difficult.

Once dropped, the Rock Salt can be picked up and added to the inventory. It cannot be consumed as it is like other ingredients. Players must find a cooking spot to use it in recipes. This can be at specific locations around the map or by using Portable Cooking Devices, which are a Zonai creation. To cook, hold the desired ingredients, including the rock salt, in Link's arms and drop everything into the pot.

A short animation later, a delicious dish should be ready to be consumed. Adding Rock Salt enhances the number of hearts a dish heals and improves buffs introduced by other ingredients. There is also a sizable menu of dishes players can craft using Rock Salt. Here are a few recipes to start off with:

  • Wheat Bread: Tabantha Wheat + Rock Salt
  • Cream of Vegetable Soup: Greens + Milk + Rock Salt
  • Salt-Grilled Mushrooms: Mushrooms + Rock Salt
  • Fish-Pie: Seafood + Tabantha Wheat + Goat Butter + Rock Salt

Rock Salt can be alternately obtained from a vendor in Goron City. Like other ingredients, it can also be fused to weapons, increasing their damage by 1. However, this is a waste of resources as it is better used in cooking. Additionally, superior items exist for weapon fusion in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is out now and available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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