How to fix, possible reasons, and more

God of War Ragnarok seems to be facing certain performance issues in specific portions of the narrative, which is not allowing players to progress further with the story.

The bugs and errors are often loops that are caused by background processes that are preventing features like exit doors and other quest objectives to spawn in the game.

One such bug that seems to have become a recurring problem for many in the God of War community is the one that occurs during the Old Friends quest and players are stuck in the Yggdrasil Tree with no way out.

It’s one of the more annoying bugs to deal with as Santa Monica Studios are yet to patch it out, and for now, there are no permanent fixes to the problem. However, there are a few temporary workarounds to the issue and today’s guide will specifically go over how you can deal with the "Stuck in Yggdrasil Tree" error during God of War Ragnarok’s Old Freinds mission.

A guide to fix the "Stuck in Yggdrasil Tree" error in God of War Ragnarok’s Old Friends mission

This error in God of War Ragnarok occurs during the Old Friends mission when there are some background processes happening in your PlayStation console. However, it can persist even after all of the processes have been completed.

Hence, to be able to deal with the bug during the quest in God of War Ragnarok, here are a few things that you can do:

1) Give it a few minutes

It’s likely that the door you will use to exit Yggdrasil is taking a bit longer to load. Many in the community have stated that just waiting it out for about 10-15 minutes seems to allow the game to load the door that they can use to exit the tree.

Hence, if you don’t mind the wait and are willing to let Ragnarok take its sweet time, then this will be one of the best options for you.

2) Reloading the last checkpoint

By reloading the last checkpoint, you refresh the game’s environment, which seems to temporarily deal with the Stuck in Yggdrasil Tree in God of War Ragnarok. If you do opt for this, you might need to play a bit until you are up to speed with where you reloaded the game from. However, that is a small price to pay.

3) Restarting God of War Ragnarok

Restarting the game is another way to fix the error. Booting up the title again is likely to spawn the exit door in Yggdrasil, and you might not have to wait for it to take an eternity to load things up.

4) Re-installing the game

Uninstalling and then re-installing the game seems to be the more drastic step that players have taken to solve the Stuck in Yggdrasil Tree error in God of War Ragnarok. It seems to have worked for the majority of the playerbase, and it’s honestly worth a shot if it helps you work around the glitch and allows you to continue further with the narrative.

If you continue to face the issue even after going through the steps, you might need to wait for Santa Monica Studios to patch it out in the next update.

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