Dolly Parton: Im kinda cartoonish and cartoons dont really age that much


Dolly Parton. Admit it, that’s all the introduction you need to the story. Just by saying her name, everyone reading released out a deep breath and let a much needed smile creep across their face. I don’t think Dolly is perfect – lord, who needs that? But Dolly fills me with such joy that reading an interview with her releases serotonin, I’m convinced. Anyway, there is a purpose to this post, after all. A&E’s Biography series will debut Biography: Dolly on April 12. In addition, her very successful stage version of 9 to 5 The Musical is coming to Australia so 60 Minutes Australia ran a segment on her. I swear Tom Steinfort, the interviewer, is in love with her. The full piece is below but here are some highlights.

On being worth half a billion dollars
I count my blessings more than I count my money. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away. I’m very grateful that I’ve been blessed.

“Dolly for President”
Can you imagine anything worse than being head of a country? I think we’ve had enough boobs in the White House. I don’t want to be another one.

On growing up poor
I was never ashamed of my upbringing. We were very poor but we were rich in the things that mattered, in kindness and love and understanding. It just depends on what you call wealth and success.

On her marriage
When I first got to Nashville in 1964 I had no intentions of finding a boyfriend. Very first day [I met my husband]. We’ve been married for 53 years. We get along great. He’s independent, so I am. He likes to stay at home, I like staying gone.

“You’re looking very youthful”
Good lighting, good makeup and good doctors. A good attitude don’t hurt either. I’m kinda cartoonish and cartoons don’t really age that much.

On if she’s going to retire
I don’t plan to retire. I just turned 74. I plan to be on the cover of Playboy Magazine again. If they’ll go for it I think I will. If I could be on the cover again when I’m 75. I could probably [wear the same outfit]. Boobs are still the same.

[From 60 Minutes Australia via Youtube]

“I think we’ve had enough boobs in The White House,” is probably my favorite line but calling herself a cartoon is a close second. And I don’t disagree with her, there is very much a cartoonish vibe to how she presents herself, but it’s paid off because no one takes her to task for aging. Think how depressing it would be if Dolly came out in a housecoat and low ponytail. Between admitting to getting work done and getting it done often and dressing for a beauty pageant talent competition, Dolly is allowed to shine mostly free from criticisms. And she looks like she’s having a ball doing it so you go, Dolly. Live your whole life out loud.

Most outlets are using a pull quote that Dolly said towards the end that she hopes to get the cover of Playboy for her 75th birthday next January. She appeared on the cover in 1978 wearing the famous strapless bodysuit and bunny ears and Dolly said she’s open to wearing the same for her next cover. This would be a fantastic statement if Playboy’s willing to make it. The 60 Minutes segment is below. It’s worth it to hear all the snippets of her music. As I said, I don’t think Dolly is perfect. I think that Dolly has had to project a certain persona to protect herself in the industry and she’s still using that today. Overall, I do think Dolly sends the right message about living life on your own terms.




Photo credit: WENN/Avalon and YouTube
