90 Day Fiance: The Other Way viewers sound off on Nicoles relationship with Mahmoud

During the second episode of Season 4 of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, viewers were introduced to Nicole Sherbiny and her tumultuous relationship with her husband, Egyptian native Mahmoud.

Nicole talked about a ton of red flags in her marriage, and The Other Way viewers are raising their eyebrows at Nicole’s reasoning and intentions for not only continuing the relationship but also choosing to move back to Egypt.

Nicole described that she had moved to Egypt previously to live with Mahmoud and that their cultural and religious differences were stark and the root of most of their issues. She said she even went so far as to cancel his American spousal visa filing and block him.

The Other Way fans also witnessed a first-hand conversation Nicole and Mahmoud had over video chat that highlighted the dysfunction and disconnect in their marriage.

The main point of contention is over the way Nicole dresses. Nicole, who admittedly loves clothing, has been unwilling to concede to Mahmoud’s request that she dresses modestly. To make matters worse, in the past, Nicole agreed to wear what Mahmoud wanted, but it ultimately made her unhappy.

Despite the misunderstandings and lifestyle differences, Nicole is moving to Egypt for a second time to be with Mahmoud, and The Other Way audience is calling her out for the decision.

Nicole Sherbiny is being judged by 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way viewers

Twitter has been ablaze with opinionated 90 Day Fiance viewers eager to give their two cents on Nicole’s decision-making.

One viewer shared a still image of Nicole from her interview and added, “Hated Egypt, going back … make it make sense, Nicole!”

On the show, Nicole talked about how she always felt like and was told she was breaking rules in Mahmoud’s eyes and culture.

Another viewer took her description and slammed her by saying, “We’ve said this a million times before [eye rolling emoji] Nicole, you should have done some RESEARCH about his culture before marrying this guy.”

Another person put an image of Nicole next to a GIF of someone running and compared, “Nicole running towards all those red flags.”

Yet another viewer harped on Nicole by saying, “Nicole canceled Mahmoud’s Visa and blocked him but is moving to Egypt with him. Did I miss something??”

Nicole Sherbiny worked two jobs in Los Angeles

When Nicole isn’t culture clashing with her husband, the Idaho native works two jobs in Los Angeles — she delivers food and also resells clothing.

However, she is giving those two jobs up to uproot her life and go to Egypt. She did not mention if she will be trying to still work at any point along the way in her new journey. However, it’s no secret that she’ll be paid for her appearance on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way.

More than likely, Nicole will also follow in the footsteps of many who have appeared on the show before her in an effort to earn income. 90 Day Fiance stars often are paid to promote products on social media and make money on Cameo, selling personalized messages to fans.

90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Season 4 airs on Sundays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.
